Leos Curriculum map

Weekly themed activities are posted on Tapestry www.tapestryjornal.com . This is also a platform for you to have communication with your class teachers. They will happily answer any questions and will provide feedback to the work that is uploaded.

Home learning packs are available for collection from the school if you are unable to access the internet from home. Please let the school know.

Some useful web sites to support home learning:

Letter join – www.letterjoin.co.uk this provides handwriting practise for all stages. Use your own login to get your sheets.

Phonics play  https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ – For free access please use username: March20 and password home.  Please go to phase 1 activities.

Go Noodle   https://www.gonoodle.com/-  Get active with your children and learn some new routines

Cbeebies https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies – here you can watch numberblocks which will support your child’s understanding of number. There are also a lot of other good games and activities to get involved in.

Yoga fun for all the family  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9Q6FKF12Qs 

Reading- www.oxfordowl.co.uk here you will find some free Ebooks to share with your child